Keynote: The pandemic is accelerating the company-customer power shift… How can marketing leaders respond to drive growth?

12:00 PM - 12:30 PM

The Digital Revolution has changed the business landscape in remarkable ways and will continue to do so.

Organisations across industries and around the world are being disrupted and digitised at an increasing pace – putting far more power in the hands of both customers and end-consumers. The traditional ‘inside-out’, functionally-siloed business model, typical of the product and sales-led growth era is over. Now is the time for marketing leaders to respond.

The pandemic is accelerating this trend and is bringing to light those companies that understand this, and those that don’t. Chris Adlard and Daniel Bausor are co-authors of the best-selling book, ‘The Customer Catalyst – how to drive sustainable growth in the Customer Economy’. Join Chris and Daniel at this session to hear how organisations can put customers truly at the heart of their business and catalyse genuine, sustainable growth in this new normal.

Let’s take Zoom, the company that has been at the epicentre of this power shift and has literally transformed the way the world interacts – in the space of just a few months. Zoom was already on a massive growth trajectory, having gone public in 2019 when it was valued at $7bn. For reference, today it has a market cap of over $50bn! Zoom adopted exactly the same principles as Amazon – asking a simple question “How can we make the experience for our customers as simple and frictionless as possible?”.

This invaluable session will enable marketing leaders to:

  • Lay a path for their organisations to drive more profitable and sustainable growth.

  • Transform their organisations to become truly customer-centric with the C-change growth engine.

  • Hear in-depth stories from leaders of customer-centric companies such as Zoom, Signify, Starling Bank, Ritz Carlton, Microsoft and Finastra.

  • Understand the practical steps needed to achieve success.

  • Help their companies adapt to, and profit from, the new realities of the Customer Economy.

Director and co-author,The Customer Catalyst
Customer Transformation Leader & Co-Author,The Customer Catalyst